There’s a lot to consider when choosing the right replica watch. Unlike other brands, which tend to have only one truly iconic piece in their portfolio, Rolex is anything but shy in choosing. Different case sizes, materials, ages, complexity and overall aesthetics offer a myriad of options to find the perfect Father’s Day watch.
Supposing you’ve so far narrowed the field down to pre-owned and not vintage, we’ve decided to break down some of the pros and cons of some of our favorite models from the brand to give you a bit of insight as you approach that big decision. In the end, personal preference is destined to succeed when it feels right on your wrist, but if you need some help picking out the perfect style for Dad, this guide can at least start guiding you in the right direction.
Being the classic to end all classics, the replica Rolex Submariner is the most logical jumping-off point for this list. Not only is it a true classic design and pedigree, but it’s also a fitting tool for a watch that works from day one to as many hits as you can throw at it. Because of its long history, there are many different models and references to choose from. However, the Submariner 16610 came to mind for this list as it strikes the right balance between modern functionality and slight vintage charm.
The Submariner 16610 is the ideal blend of fashion, functionality, and durability. With its striking blend of masculine features and delicate craftsmanship, the ref. 16610 is the perfect watch for the active father in your life. This particular model is comprised of an all stainless steel case, which showcases the gloss black dial bordered by a black bidirectional bezel. The dial features a luminous white hourly scale that gives you greater visibility underwater. The dial also has a sturdy Oyster bracelet made of hand-brushed stainless steel. The Rolex Submariner 16610 is the perfect choice for any Rolex collection, especially for an important father in your life.
The Submariner 16610 is the last reference from fake Rolex to feature an aluminum bezel insert – known to slowly fade with age and give the Sub a very special aesthetic characteristic – alongside the modern convenience of being fitted with a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal rather than the acrylic crystals fitted to vintage models like the Submariner 5513. It was also powered by the Rolex 3135 and still powers modern submarine models. Finally, it has reached an ideal price position, as it is currently cheaper than its older predecessors and more modern counterparts, both of which have redesigned casings and ceramic bezels.